In their Footsteps - Guided Tour

Explore our dinosaur and Tasmanian animals' exhibition with one of our education officers.

The tour will be tailored to the curriculum depending on your students' year level.

Suitable for

Prep-Year 5

Curriculum links


  • Living things have basic needs including food and water (ACSSU002) - Prep

  • Living things live in different places where their needs are met (ACSSU211) Living things have a variety of external features (ACSSU017) - Year 1

  • Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves (ACSSU030) - Year 2

  • Living things can be grouped on the bases of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things (ACSSU004) - Year 3

  • Living things have life cycles (ACSSU072) - Year 4

  • Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment (ACSSU043)

2022 curriculum

  • Prep Science: 

    Observe external features of plants and animals and describe ways they can be grouped based on these features (AC9SFU01).

  • Year 1 Science: 

    Identify the basic needs of plants and animals, including air, water, food or shelter, and describe how the places they live meet those needs (AC9S10U1).

  • Year 3 Science: 

    Compare characteristics of living and non-living things and examine the differences between the life cycles of plants and animals (AC9S3U01).

  • Year 5 Science: 

    Examine how particular structural features and behaviours of living things enable their survival in specific habitats (AC9S5U01).

Session type

Guided tour


$4 per student


30-45 minutes


Museum at Inveresk