Miniature Worlds on display at QVMAG


Image: work by Australian miniaturist artist, Joshua Smith. Image courtesy of the artist. 

This weekend welcomes the opening of the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery’s latest feature exhibition, Miniature Worlds.

On display at the Art Gallery at Royal Park, Miniature Worlds showcases top miniature creations from Tasmanian, Australian and internationally recognised artists.

This first exhibition in a series at QVMAG will explore the miniaturist art movement that has captured the imagination of generations.

The dioramas and miniature buildings on display are so detailed in scale that you could be tricked into thinking that they are the real thing.

City of Launceston Mayor Matthew Garwood said it was incredible to see our world re-created in small-scale.

“Works on display as part of this exhibition are beyond fantastic — the level of detail in each work is incredible,” Mayor Garwood said.

"This exhibition has something for everyone, especially Launnie locals who will enjoy seeing a few iconic spots from across our city re-created in miniature.

“Whether you’re local, or travelling through beautiful Northern Tasmania, be sure to make the most of the free Miniature Worlds exhibition at QVMAG.”

General Manager Creative Arts and Cultural Services Shane Fitzgerald said this was one exhibition not to be missed.

“Whether you’re fascinated by small-scale art, or simply interested in how our world could look in miniature, our exhibition Miniature Worlds is a great experience for art lovers of all ages,” Fitzgerald said.

“To welcome such a high calibre range of miniature artists to Northern Tasmania as part of this exhibition is brilliant.

“Many of the artists with works on display within this exhibition are globally recognised miniature artists, with large audiences online captivated by their miniature creations.

“Miniature Worlds is a must-visit experience for Tasmanian locals, and visitors to our state and I encourage everyone to make the most of this while on display at the Art Gallery at Royal Park.”

Issued Friday 13 October 2023.