The deliciously realistic art of Katie Barron

Katie_Barron_ArmCandy (2).jpg

Image: Arm Candy by Tasmanian artist Katie Barron. 

This weekend welcomes an exclusive painting workshop with Tasmanian artist Katie Barron at the Queen Victoria Art Gallery at Royal Park.

Taking inspiration from op-shops and snack food isles in the supermarket, the work of Tasmanian artist Katie Barron is known for leaving her audience captivated with hyper-realistic re-creations of objects and items found in daily life.

Working with the medium of oil paint, Barron finds that each different colour used in her work uncovers a whole new world to explore.

“Not only am I excited about the physical properties of oil paint, but also the chemical properties as this can influence their colour, their lightfastness, their handling, and more. The physical nature of the paint takes it beyond the limits of two-dimensional imagery,” Barron said.

“Through my work, I want to share a sense of joy and humour above all else.

“When I reflect on what I can offer society I always come back to the same thing — just a bit of fun.

“Sure, there are serious themes that can be pulled from my work but at the end of the day the reason I put brush to canvas is to just share a bit of joy.

“When I'm in the studio making work, it feels like I am turning off the conscious part of my mind and operating on instinct.

“I think most great things come from a state of flow where time sort of blurs and your hands are left to do what they do best.”

Barron’s workshop will guide participants through her process and technique of painting vibrant and deliciously realistic lollies, including how to create the illusion of glossy and sugary textures through the manipulation of oil paint on a two-dimensional canvas.

Currently on display within the institution's inaugural exhibition RISE, Barron has been identified by QVMAG as one of Tasmania’s most collectable and significant emerging artists in 2023.

Barron's workshop will be held at the Queen Victoria Art Gallery at Royal Park from 10.30am to 12.30pm this Saturday, September 30.

Tickets are available via

Issued 27 September 2023.