Precious | Meet the makers: Kate Case

Tasmanian artisan Kate Case combines a scientific mindset with a fascination of jewellery and watchmaking - a legacy inherited from her grandparents. 

Case's childhood was spent in a household filled with works and tools from her grandparents on both sides of the family: English artists and silversmiths Biff and Eileen Barker, and Australian watchmaker Frank Case. Her parents - a high school art teacher and an engineer - encouraged her creativity as she grew older. These diverse influences affected Case's path - from marine biology studies into a lifelong career as a jewellery artisan.

In this special behind the scenes video, Case demonstrates her meticulous process. Combining scientific application and problem solving with her inherited artistic intuition, she creates striking wearable art as featured in QVMAG's exhibition, Precious: excellence in contemporary jewellery


Precious: excellence in contemporary jewellery 
Art Gallery at Royal Park
8 July - 1 October 2023